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chomp$()  remove a single trailing newline from its string-argument; if the string does not end in a newline, the string is returned unchanged

print chomp$("Hallo !\n")


The chomp$-function checks, if its string-argument ends in a newline and removes it eventually; for this purpose chomp$ can replace an if-statement. This can be especially useful, when you deal with input from external sources like system$.

You may apply chomp$ freely, as it only acts, if there is a newline to remove; note however, that user-input, that comes from the normal input-statement, does not need such a treatment, because it already comes without a newline.


print "Hello " + chomp$(system$("whoami")) + " !"

user$ = system$("whoami")
if (right$(user$,1)="\n") user$=left$(user$,len(user$)-1)
print "Hello again " + user$ + " !"


The following yabasic-program uses the unix-command whoami to get the username of the current user in order to greet him personally. This is done twice: First with the chomp$-function and then again with with an equivalent if-statement:

Related: system$